LIVE SPORTS LINE-UP: January 21st - February 3rd
Monday Per Learfield No IU Coaches Show
Monday 7:10PM WQKZ FM HS Basketball Forest Park at Tecumseh with Roger Stuckey and ross Fuhs
Tuesday 8:00PM 990AM/99.1 FM Juan College Basketball Indiana University at Northwestern with Don Fischer Eric Suhr and Joe Smith (Automation)
Tuesday 7:50PM WITZ FM Girls HS basketball Jasper at Princeton with Walt Ferber and Terry Gobert
Thursday 7:20PM WQKZ FM Girls HS Basketball North Posey at Forest Park with Roger Stuckey and Chase Riecker
Friday 3:20PM WITZ FM Southridge Forecasters with Charley Wayne at Forest Park
Friday 3:40PM WITZ FM Jasper Forecasters with Walt Ferber at Northeast Dubois
Friday 4:30PM WITZ FM John Goebel Basketball Show
Friday 5:30PM 990AM/99.1FM Juan College Basketball Michigan at Indiana University with Don Fischer Eric Suhr and Joe Smith
Friday 7:40PM WITZ FM HS Basketball Jasper at Northeast Dubois with Walt Ferber and Terry Gobert
Friday 9:30PM WITZ FM Indiana Sports Talk
Friday 7:40PM WQKZ FM High School Basketball Southridge at Forest Park with Roger Stuckey and Ross Fuhs
Saturday 3:20PM WITZ FM Southridge Forecasters with Charley Wayne at Washington
Saturday 3:40PM WITZ FM Jasper Forecasters with Walt Ferber New Albany
Saturday 7:10PM WITZ FM HS Basketball New Albany at Jasper with Walt Ferber and Terry Gobert
Saturday 9:30PM WITZ FM Indiana Sports Talk
- All Times EST
Monday 7:05PM WITZ FM Inside Indiana University basketball with Archie Miller hosted by Don Fischer
Tuesday TBA WITZ FM 4A Girls Sectional Basketball at Jasper Jasper vs Evansville North with Walt Ferber
Tuesday TBA WQKZ FM Girls sectional Basketball at Forest Park Forest Park vs Mater Dei with Roger Stuckey and Ross Fuhs
Wednesday 6:00PM WITZ FM College Basketball Indiana University at Rutgers with Don Fischer Eric Suhr and Joe Smith
Thursday 3:20PM WITZ FM Southridge Forecasters with Charley Wayne vs Gibson Southern
Thursday 3:40PM WITZ FM Jasper Forecasters with Walt Ferber vs Barr Reeve
Thursday 7:10PM WITZ FM HS Basketball Barr Reeve at Jasper with Walt Ferber and Terry Gobert
Thursday 7:40PM WQKZ FM HS Basketball Mater Dei at Forest Park with Roger Stuckey
Friday TBA WITZ FM 4A Girls Sectional from Jasper(If Jasper won Tuesday vs Evansville Reitz with Walt Ferber and Terry Gobert
Friday TBA WQKZ FM 2A Girls sectional from Forest Park, Forest Park(If they won Tuesday) vs Perry Central with Roger Stuckey and Ross Fuhs
Friday 9:30PM WITZ FM Indiana Sports Talk
Saturday 1:50PM WITZ FM Jasper Forecasters with Walt Ferber at Heritage Hills
Saturday 2:10PM WITZ FM HS Basketball Jasper at Heritage Hills with Walt Ferber and and Terry Gobert
Saturday TBA WITZ FM 4A Sectional Basketball at Jasper Jasper if they are in it vs TBA with Walt Ferber and Terry Gobert
Saturday TBA WQKZ FM 2a Sectional Basketball at Forest Park if Forest Park is in it vs TBA with Roger Stuckey and Ross Fuhs
Saturday 9:30PM WITZ FM Indiana Sports Talk
Saturday 5:00PM 990am/99.1FM Juan College Basketball Indiana University at Michigan State with Don Fischer Eric Suhr and Joe Smith
* All Times EST