Patoka Sportsman 9-7-19
Patoka Sportsman 9-7 & 9-8-19
There will be a 3-D Broken Arrow Archery shoot Sunday September 8 at Beaver Lake CR 325 E Jasper IN. This will be the last shoot of the year. Sign-in will be from sunrise till noon. A practice range will be available, and concessions will also be sold. There are new lower prices for entry fees. The entry fee is $10 for all adults, $8 for children age 11-17, and free for the cub class (10 and younger) and active military members.
Patoka Lake Bowhunters will host a 35 Target 3-D Archery Shoot on September 14 & 15 at Patoka Lake Archery Range near Wickcliffe. Participants should use the Main Entrance at Patoka Lake off State Road 164. Registration is from Daylight - Noon. Shooting fees are $10.00 for nonmembers, and $5.00 for youth (age 11-17), Cubs 10 and under along with Active Military will shoot for for free. For more information call 812-309-9373.
If you or a young hunter needs to take an Indiana Hunter Education course there’s one coming up at the Graber Post Sports Complex in Odon, IN Monday, Sept. 9 through Thursday, Sept. 12 from 5:30-8:30 PM each evening. Attendance at all sessions is mandatory. You will be taught firearms, archery and treestand safety plus a whole lot more. Pre-registration is required. Call 812-698-1632 or 812-254-7538 for more details or go to pass it on Indiana dot com to register.
The St. Philips Conservation Club in Evansville is hosting a Hunter Ed. Course Friday, Sept. 13 from 6-9 PM and Saturday, Sept. 14 from 8 AM to 4 PM. Attendance both days is required for certification. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Lunch is provided on Saturday. Times are Central Time.
The Washington Conservation Club is hosting an Indiana Hunter Education course on Monday, Sept. 16 through Thursday, Sept. 19 from 5:30-8:30 PM each evening. Hunter Education is required by the state for anyone born after Dec. 31, 1986 in order to purchase a hunting license. Attendance at all sessions is mandatory.
The Bedford Boat and Sportsman Club is sponsoring a course on Friday, Sept. 20 from 6-9 PM and Saturday, Sept. 21 from 8 AM to 4:30 PM. Snacks and meals are provided. They will be outdoors on Saturday. This class as are all the other Hunter Ed. Classes are free.
The Clarksville Bass pro Shop is sponsoring a Hunter Ed. Course on Saturday, Sept. 21 and Sunday, Sept. 22 from 1-6 PM each day. You must attend both days to complete the class. Please bring pencil or pen and highlighter. To sign up for this or any Indiana Hunter Education Course go to pass it on Indiana dot com.
An Indiana Hunter Ed course is coming up on Thursday, Sept. 19 and Friday, Sept. 20 from 6-9:30 PM each evening and on Saturday, Sept. 21 from 8 Am – 4 PM at the Doverhill Christian Union Church located 4 miles north of Shoals on Hwy. 450. All instruction will be by Indiana Conservation Officers and certified Indiana Volunteer Hunter Ed. Instructors. There is no charge for attending the class. To register go to The course is sponsored by Doverhill Christian Union Church and West Boggs park.
Amanda Wuestefeld, who has worked full-time in the DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife for more than 25 years, was promoted to division director. Wuestefeld replaces Mark Reiter, who retired in July. She is the first woman to hold the position for Indiana DNR Fish & Wildlife. For the past five years, Wuestefeld has served as the assistant division director. Before that, she served as the Hoosier Outdoor Heritage coordinator for eight years. In that capacity, she led the launch of the division’s first hunting recruitment program to introduce young adults to the sport.
American Legion Post 147 of Jasper is looking for new members for its Junior Shooting Sports Program. The program will begin on Sept. 19 and will continue until early April. The program is a seven-month program. The activity, sponsored by the Dubois County Post 147 of The American Legion, is open to young men and women from age 12 through 18. The program is designed to teach youngsters the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes of responsibly firearm ownership. It also will feature the development of basic marksmanship skills using .177 caliber air rifles. There is no cost to this program. All equipment is provided and is of the highest quality.
An open house is scheduled at the post home at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, in the basement where the firing range is located. All interested students must attend the open house. The meeting will last approximately one hour, a parent or guardian is also required to attend. The number of new shooters is limited.
If chosen the athletes will become members of the Southern Indiana Sharpshooters Club, which meet weekly each Thursday from 6 to 8 p.m. at the American Legion Post. Some training on Sundays may be necessary from 1 to 3 p.m. for students who may need additional training and practice. Sundays will be flexible due to traveling and home matches that are held on Saturdays throughout the year. The club participates with other American Legion shooting clubs such as Seymour, Versailles and Georgetown just to name a few. Interested students and parents desiring information should contact Coach Daniel Lawson at 661-2440 or as soon as possible. Visit Facebook and click on “Southern Indiana Sharpshooters” for numerous photos of activities.
Patoka Lake is looking for volunteers with diverse backgrounds to help with various opportunities around the property. Some annuals needs are photographers, special event assistants, carpenters, painters, and campground hosts, just to name a few. Come to the Nature Center on Saturday, September 28 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. to learn more about their volunteer program and what opportunities they might have for you.
The entrance fee for Newton Stewart State Recreation Area will be waived for all who plan to apply as volunteers. For more information regarding this program or other interpretive events, please call the Nature
Center at 812.685.2447.