Patoka Sportsman 7-13-19

Patoka Sportsman 7-13 & 7-14-19

On July 1, reserved hunt application periods opened for dove, waterfowl, deer and pheasant. The application period for dove will close July 29, and the application period for deer will close Aug. 26. Waterfowl and pheasant application periods will close on Sept. 16. You can only apply for these hunts online. To get started with an application, go to and click on “Apply for a reserved hunt.” Only one application per hunt is allowed, and no changes can be made once an application is submitted. Applicants must possess a hunting license valid for the hunt for which they are applying. To find out more about reserved hunt applications that are open or opening soon visit

Gov. Eric Holcomb has proclaimed July 2019 as Lakes Appreciation Month. Lakes and reservoirs are among Indiana’s most valuable natural resources and need to be protected for future generations. They provide drinking water, irrigation, energy, recreation, scenic beauty and wildlife habitat. You can assist Indiana and its partners by participating in the Secchi Dip-In, which helps to track water transparency trends and changing water quality. If you would like to participate in the celebration of Indiana’s lakes, check out the North American Lakes Management Society website.

Plantings of native wildflowers and warm-season grasses are incredibly beneficial to wildlife, but may appear untidy in neighborhood settings. “Hardscaping elements” such as decorative art, fencing or educational signage can help neighbors understand that native plantings are not neglected spaces. Educational signage provides information about the native planting to people passing by and helps them understand why an area is important. A good way to obtain signage is to enroll your planting in a participating conservation program such as those offered through the DNR, National Wildlife Federation or a local Soil and Water Conservation District. Small educational signs for pollinators and songbirds can also be purchased at many retail stores that carry garden supplies, or ordered online from signage vendors.

As the summer continues to heat up, many of our rivers and streams will start to lower, exposing large sand and rock bars. If you have ever walked along these areas, you may have encountered a stranded freshwater mussel or noticed a trail in the sand as a mussel tries to get to deeper water. Mussels have a single foot, similar to your tongue, which they use to move. This makes it difficult to move quickly and get to safety. While it might be tempting to use a mussel as fish bait or to take home some shells for your rock garden, remember that it is illegal in Indiana to take live freshwater mussels or shell material.

Indiana has two species of rattlesnake: the eastern massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus), which occurs at sites scattered in the northern part of the state, and the timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus), which inhabits the forested hills of southern Indiana. Between the two species, timber rattlesnakes are larger and are more likely to be encountered. Outdoor enthusiasts may encounter these snakes while enjoying the rugged terrain in Brown, Morgan and Monroe counties.Timber rattlesnake activity spikes during the summer, when male rattlesnakes are searching for a mate. Normally calm and quiet, these snakes do not always rattle when approached. Watch your step while hiking along trails or stepping over fallen logs in Indiana’s hill country. If you need to step over a log, first peek over to make sure there are no snakes sitting on the other aside, as they tend to hunt in such spaces.The odds of encountering a rattlesnake are low in Indiana, but they do reside here, and you should be mindful of their presence. DNR herpetologists are continually recording observations of endangered species like timber rattlesnakes, so if you see one and snap a photo, you can report your sighting to Monitoring of rattlesnake populations is paid for by the Nongame Wildlife Fund. To help Indiana’s rare wildlife, consider donating:

There will be a 3-D Broken Arrow Archery shoot Sunday July 14th at Beaver Lake CR 325 E Jasper IN. Sign-in will be from sunrise till noon. A practice range will be available, and concessions will also be sold. There are new lower prices for entry fees. The entry fee is $10 for all adults, $8 for children age 11-17, and free for the cub class (10 and younger) and active military members. From Jasper, take State Road 164 east to County Road 325 East, turn left and follow the road to the clubhouse on the right. For more information , call cliff fleck at (812)630-0454 or karla brames at 812-827-3756.

The 8th Annual Young Life Clay Shoot will be held on July 19 & 20 at Cool Springs.  Cost is $400 per a team of 4 shooters.  Individual shooters can also participate for $100.  There will be 12 stations and 100 sporting clay targets.  Ammunition and lunch will be provided. Various sponsorship levels are also available.  For more information contact Terri Neukam at 812-631-8834 or email   

Deer hunters can sign up for the chance to hunt on land owned by participating landowners with the new Deer Hunt Registry system administered by DNR’s Division of Fish & Wildlife. The Deer Hunt Registry connects deer hunters with landowners, golf courses, parks, land trusts, farmers, or communities. The registry will provide interested parties with a list of hunters in the area willing to help. The Deer Hunt Registry system is replacing the former Hunters Helping Farmers program and incorporating the Community Hunter Access Program (CHAP). To learn more about CHAP, see Hunters will be able to sign up for the chance to hunt starting July 1, 2019. Signing up on the Deer Hunt Registry does not guarantee additional hunting opportunities or placement in a managed hunt. For more information or to sign up, see

The DNR’S turkey brood survey runs from July 1 to Aug. 31, 2019. While you are out this summer, you are asked that you help them count the number of young wild turkeys (poults) with turkey hens. These surveys provide the DNR with information about turkey poult survival and inform wild turkey management. Create an account and start reporting your observations at

More than 100 people are needed to assist kids around the Fishin' Pond during the 17 days of the Indiana State Fair, which runs Aug. 2-18. Volunteers get free admission to the fair on the day they work, a free Fishin’ Pond T-shirt, and the opportunity to fish with kids for a few hours at the pond. Volunteers can also help sign up kids to fish and help them with a fish coloring activity when they are finished fishing.

The Patoka Lake Watershed Steering Committee encourages individuals, families, friends and service groups to save the date for the 13th annual Patoka Lake Clean Up on Saturday, August 24, 2019 at the Patoka Lake Dam. Participants of all ages and abilities can sign up on location at 8 am EDT and will be assigned an area to pick up trash and recycling along the shore.

At 11 am, all volunteers return to the dam to be treated to a fish fry, music, door prizes, goody bags and of course, a free event t-shirt! Service and youth groups are asked to please register in advance!  Join in the fun and help rid Patoka Lake Watershed of unsightly, unhealthy trash!

Each year volunteers pick up over 2000 pounds of trash and recycling during this event.

All supplies are provided; volunteers just need to show up! The event takes place at the Patoka Lake Corps of Engineers office at the Patoka Lake Dam at 4512 N. Cuzco Road, Dubois. For information or to register a group in advance, call the Patoka Lake Nature Center

at 812-685-2447 or check the Patoka Lake Watershed Steering Committee Facebook page for updates.