Patoka Sportsman 1-18-20

Patoka Sportsman 1-18 & 1-19-20

Team sign up for the annual coyote hunt hosted by Chris Popp, Bill Martin & Kevin Shepherd of the Great Outdoors is January 24th at 6 PM. All team members must be at team signup and bring a handful of zip ties.  Final check in is January 26 at 10 AM.  No late entries.  Entry fee is $100 per team.  Half of the total entry pot goes to charity and the other half goes to prize money for the hunters.  Teams 1-20 will pay out to first and second places for each class.  Over 20 teams entered will pay out to three places for each class.  Class 1 will include any team that turns in 1-3 coyotes.  Class 2 will include any team that turns in 4 or more coyotes. Winners will be decided by total weight.  For more information contact the Great Outdoors.

An Indiana Hunter Education Course is slated for Friday, January 24 through Saturday, January 25 at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds. Classes will run from 6:00p.m. to 9:00p.m. on Friday 24th and from 8a.m. to 4:00p.m. on Saturday 25th. Participants must attend both days to complete the course. All instruction will be by Indiana conservation officers and certified Indiana volunteer hunter education instructors. Certification is required for anyone born after December 31, 1986, who wishes to purchase an Indiana hunting license. The course will cover ethics, safety, laws, survival and safe handling practices for archery, black powder and firearms. Lunch will be provided for participants and attending family members on Saturday for $5/person.  To sign up, visit There is a 150- student limit for the class and pre-registration is required. This course is being sponsored by the Dubois County Shooting Sports Instructor Council. For questions, call (812)685-2447.

The St Anthony Conservation club will be having a 30 Target 3D shoot on January 26. Registration is from 8:00 a.m. till noon. Cost is $10 and kids 10 & under shoot free. They will be serving food & drinks. For more information call 812-630-1670.

The Patoka Valley Limbhangers will hold their annual NWTF Hunting Heritage Banquet on February 1 at Ferdinand Community Center.  Doors open at 4:30 and dinner will be at 6:30.  Early bird ticket purchase expires on January 26.  You can register online at  For more information contact Dave Jellison at 812-639-0208 or email

There will be a 3-D Broken Arrow Archery shoot Sunday February 9th at Beaver Lake. Sign-in will be from sunrise till noon. A practice range will be available, and concessions will also be sold. The entry fee is $10 for all adults, $8 for children age 11-17, and free for the cub class (10 and younger) and active military members. For more information call cliff fleck at (812)630-0454 or karla brames at 8128273756

Holland Kiwanis Club 13th Annual Gun & Knife Show will occur February 15 & 16 at the Huntingburg Event Center.

The 66th Annual Indianapolis Boat Sport & Travel Show is Feb. 14-23 at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. The Deer Turkey & Waterfowl show runs February 20-23. You can buy tickets at The 44th Annual NWTF Banquet is Beb. 12-16 at Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center. Online reservations end on February 5.  Only a limited number of tickets will be available on site and events are likely to sell out. The link to purchase tickets is

Patoka Valley Friends of the NRA will hold their 2020 annual friends of the NRA banquet on Saturday, Feb. 22 at Venue 1408 in Huntingburg.  Doors open at 5.  Dinner is at 7.  There will be door prizes, a live and silent auction and special drawings.  Tickets are in exchange for a donation of $35 each or are included with the big Shooters Bonus Pack for a $100 donation.  This includes one dinner ticket and $100 bonus draw tickets.  You can save $35 if you purchase before Feb. 17.  Tickets are available at Dave’s Guns in Holland, Great Outdoors and Jeff’s Bait & Guns in Jasper.  All net proceeds benefit youth educatin, range development, conservation efforts plus many other qualified educational programs.

Applications may be submitted now through Feb. 19, 2020 for Spring Turkey reserved hunts. Local Participating properties are Atterbury Fish & Wildlife Area, Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge, Glendale Fish & Wildlife Area, Goose Pond Fish & Wildlife Area, Hovey Lake Fish & Wildlife Area, Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge and Sugar Ridge Fish & Wildlife Area. Applicants must possess a valid hunting license for the species they wish to hunt. The application process is now consolidated into the online services website along with Licenses, Check-In game, and HIP registration. An online account is not required to apply, so there is no need to log in. Please note that in this new system, hunts without fees to register will follow the same process as those with a fee. For hunts with no fee to register, you still will be asked to Add to Cart, Proceed to Checkout, and Place Order. If the transaction total is $0, you will not be asked to enter credit card info.