WITZ Climbs St. Joseph Church
Looking up at the scaffolding ahead of them was a bit daunting, Wayne said.

"Honestly, fear, 'What am I Doing?', 'I must be crazy' - no, it was a little intimidating when you look up at something that's 235 feet and know that you have to go to the top", Wayne joked. "But, it was a spectacular view and we learned a lot of history along the way."

Contractors are nearing the end of the St. Joseph exterior work - including the renovated clock faces.

If Wayne had any second thoughts on the way up, they didn't last long.
"I was doing okay, we got to one point and I just kind of stood there for a moment to breathe a little bit, caught the view, and decided I was going to go all the way," Wayne said. "I did get to launch my paper airplane from the top and that was a childhood dream."

The scaffolding is set to come down in the coming weeks.