Wildflower Explorations with the Dubois Branch Library

Local Sources - The Dubois Branch Library will offer two opportunities to learn about native wildflowers growing in southern Indiana on Saturday, April 2.  

The first, called “Wake Up Woods Mini Family Camp” is for families who would like to expose their kids to the wonder of wildflowers.  The group will meet at a home near Dubois from 10 a.m. to noon where they will learn about wildflowers growing in the area, explore the property to identify the plants and record their findings in journals. Each family will receive a copy of the book “Wake Up Woods” and each participant will receive a journal and set of colored pencils to record what they see through drawings and words.  The author of the book, Micheal Homoya will be on hand near the end of the program to sign copies of the book and answer questions.  

If you would like to participate, please call the Dubois Branch library to sign up at 812-678-2548.

The second opportunity, “A Walk in the Woods” is for adults and will begin at 2 p.m. on April 2nd at the same location.  Author, botanist and plant ecologist, Michael Homoya will be on hand to talk about his books on wildflowers and lead an exploration of the yard and nearby woodland to discover the plants growing there. Interested individuals may go online at jdcpl.us under Calendar or call the Dubois Branch Library.

These programs are made possible by a grant from Indiana Humanities: Indiana Authors Awards and from funding from #PlantWildFlowers.com.