Emily Russell, Patoka Lake Watershed Coordinator, will be at Ferdinand Library on 6/6 at 6! (June 6, 2024 at 6PM EST). 

She will be presenting all about water including what a watershed is and how we keep our water supply clean. She will also have a working water model. There will be free play-shaped sponges and fun activity pages for kids. There will be lots of related books and she will particularly focus on, “Those Kids Deserve Water Too: A History Of The Patoka Lake Regional Water & Sewer District” by David Dahl. 

More information is available on the Ferdinand Library’s Facebook page or on their website, www.jdcpl.us. Registration is not required but is preferred on the website as well: www.jdcpl.us The Ferdinand Library is open M-TH from 9-8, F from 9-5 and S from 9-2. Contact the Library at 812.367.1671 with any questions.