Voter Registration deadline for the upcoming May Primary Election is Monday, April 8, 2024.
Voter Registration deadline for the upcoming May Primary Election is Monday,
April 8, 2024. Dubois County voters can register to vote or update any changes
needed to their registration online until 11:59pm on April 8 th . Please visit . Dubois County voters can register to vote in person at
the county election office also known as the county clerk’s office until the end of
business day (4:00 pm) on April 8 th .
It is important to note that the Solar Eclipse is on Monday, April 8 th and the
county courthouse is still open for business. There could be surrounding
counties courthouses’ that are closed on April 8 th and if so, their voter registration
deadline is changed. Again, Dubois County Clerk’s office is open and voter
registration deadline is April 8 th .
It takes less than a couple minutes to register to vote. I encourage every eligible
Dubois County voter who isn’t registered yet to do so before the deadline next
week. Registering to vote is the first step. The next step is going to the polls on
Election Day or during early voting to vote! “Make your plan to vote today,” said
Dubois County Clerk Amy Kippenbrock.