Vote Center Changes, Ballot Security, At Forefront of Dubois County 2022 Elections

Dubois Co. - Aside from becoming a Vote Center County, County Clerk Amy Kippenbrock is reminding Dubois County residents of changes and procedures ahead in 2022.

A newly-minted Vote Center County, Dubois County residents will have the freedom to choose where they cast their ballot, rather than being assigned, says Kippenbrock.

“The biggest change that we will see in Dubois County with our Vote Center change is that any registered voter can now vote at any open polling site on Election Day,” Kippenbrock said. “Like we know early voting today, any voter can go to any open location - that will stay true for Election Day starting this year.”

Residents, though, may still vote at the polling location that had been assigned to them in the past.

Though most residents aren't too worried about where they cast their votes in 2022, many do have concerns with the security and integrity of their ballots.

“That’s probably the number one question that came out of the whole process, ‘How do you make sure that somebody doesn’t vote twice?’ Kippenbrock said. “The second, already, concern that we want to make sure that we hold true is that everybody gets to vote and they get to vote one time.”

Kippenbrock credits the ease of security to the use of poll pads, just as Dubois County residents have for the past several years. Upon sign-in voters will sign in on the poll pad, which will let poll workers know if the individual had previously interacted with one.

“The poll pad database is updated every single day and is aware of where you are at in the process,” Kippenbrock said. “So, if you have went to vote in person in one location and you tried to go vote at a different location, the poll pad will alert the poll worker that you’ve already checked in and that’ll kind of stop the process. It’ll make us ask questions and drill into what’s going on.”

Information on your selected candidates will not be uploaded through the system; the fact that you have voted will be.

A necessity to make sure this year's elections run smoothly: poll workers. Kippenbrock says that the county and political parties are actively recruiting workers.

“Poll workers are essential to the process and we like when people are interested in the elections because the first thing I would suggest if someone wants to know more about the elections, is to be a poll worker,” Kippenbrock said. “We will provide you with some training, teach you what we want you to do, answer any questions you have, and then we give you a little pay for the day. It’s a really great way to give back to the community, get a little pay for it and learn about the process.”

Poll workers work in tandem in a bi-partisan effort to ensure standards and integrity of the vote. Those interested should reach out to party chairs - Kitty Merkley (Republican) or Mike Kendall (Democrat) – or reach out to Amy Kippenbrock at the County Clerk office.

Throughout 2021, the Dubois County Election Committee evaluated the previous voting locations in an effort to streamline the process. This has resulted in a number of changes to the physical locations.

In Ferdinand, Early Voting has shifted from the Library to the YMCA, and from the Event Center to the YMCA on Election Day.

In Dubois, Early Voting will remain at the library. For Election Day, the former Dubois Middle School location will move to the new building at the park.

In Jasper, former locations at the Habig Center, Arts Center, and Armory will now be located at the atrium at the Thyen-Clark Cultural Center.

Signs will be posted at the former voting locations to remind voters of the changes.

For 2022, Election Day sites include: Jasper Middle School, Thyen-Clark Cultural Center-Atrium, St Mary’s Community Center, Huntingburg Event Center, Holland United Methodist Church, Tri-County YMCA, Celestine Community Club, St. Anthony Community Center, Dubois Ruritan Park.

Early Voting Sites include: The Jasper Courthouse Annex, Tri-County YMCA, Huntingburg Event Center, and the 35th Street First Station in Jasper.

Once again, the county will hold roaming board sites the week ahead of the election from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily:

• Monday, St. Henry CK of A

• Tuesday, Haysville Fire Station

• Wednesday, Schnellville Fire Station

• Thursday, Dubois Library

• Friday, Birdseye Fire Station

While the process for 2022 elections has been set, the final list of officials on the ballot has not been. The filing deadline is scheduled for February 4th.

Dubois County Residents may register to vote online at