Uncontested Mayor Candidate James Hopf Shares Goals, Reaction to Primary Win

By: Corbin Lingenfelter, News Director

Huntingburg- On Tuesday, May 2nd, James Hopf defeated incumbent Mayor Steve Schwinghammer for the Republican ticket for Huntingburg Mayor.

Hopf, who has been a part of the Huntingburg community since he was 4-years-old, is now the uncontested candidate for Huntingburg Mayor. He shared with us his reaction to winning the primary.

“It means the world to me,” Hopf said, “God has blessed me to have this opportunity. To be where I am, hopefully a strong voice for Huntingburg moving forward. Just excited and ready to get to work.”

One of Hopf’s goals is to give the people of Huntingburg a voice and not have surprises. One of these ways is a two to five year plan for sidewalks and walkways. He also wants to make some changes in leadership.

“Leadership changes day one,” said Hopf, “I just think we need to get different leaders in place. Leaders who live in Huntingburg for the most part, people who care about Huntingburg, people whose kids go to school in Huntingburg.”

Hopf says people should not worry about a cleaning of house, but there will be some moving of people around.

Hopf’s work campaigning is not done yet. He plans to continue going door to door until the Municipal election in November. 

783 votes were cast in the Republican primary, which is a record according to Hopf. He received 54% of those votes.