Town of Ferdinand Hydrant Flushing Beginning September 6th
Ferdinand- The Town of Ferdinand’s Water Department will be conducting hydrant flushing beginning
Tuesday September 6th till completion. This process will take place at various location
throughout the town on a daily basis. Flushing times will be Monday through Friday; from 8:00
am to 3:00 pm.
Flushing is performed to improve water quality and is a necessary preventative maintenance
activity for proper waterline function. Though it may appear to waste water, flushing improves
water flow and pressure rates needed for proper fire protection, as well as aids in maintaining
proper valve and hydrant operation. Flushing also helps provide better overall water quality to
our customers.
Water will remain safe to drink; however, special attention is recommended before doing
laundry. Customers are advised to run cold water through their taps for five to seven minutes
to clean out any discoloration in the water that may affect laundry items. The Town of
Ferdinand is not responsible for the cleaning and/or replacement of those items.