Total Pavement Replacement Scheduled for SR 64 In Francisco
GIBSON COUNTY, Ind. – The Indiana Department of Transportation announces a complete road closure on State Road 64 in Francisco for a total pavement replacement project.
Beginning on or around Monday, Aug. 16, contractors will begin the first phase of a three-phase project to completely replace the pavement through the town of Francisco. The first phase will begin on the west side of town near Cross Street and the Francisco Elementary School. Workers will completely replace the roadway from the sub grade to the surface and make repairs to drainage structures throughout the limits as a part of this project.
Phase one is expected to be complete by mid-October, depending upon weather conditions. Local traffic will have access up to the point of closure, but through traffic should use the official detour following I-69, S.R. 168, U.S. 41 and S.R. 64.
Phase two will repeat the total pavement replacement but on the east side of town near the railroad track across S.R. 64. Phase three will address the section of the roadway in between the limits of the first two phases but isn’t expected to begin until Spring of 2022. The entire project is scheduled to last until late summer 2022. During the winter months, the road will be open.
INDOT urges drivers to slow down and stay alert near crews.