Tickets on sale for 10th Annual ATHENA Awards Banquet

Local SourcesThe Rotary Club of Jasper’s ATHENA Awards Banquet, to be held August 18th at the Huntingburg Event Center, is an opportunity for area businesses and community members to show their support for women leaders in the Dubois County community.

This year’s ATHENA International Award finalists are: Joyce Beck, Rossina Sandoval Monsivais, Mary Leah Siegel and Patricia “Pat” Thyen. One of these finalists will be named this year’s ATHENA Leadership Award Recipient, but it’s important to the Rotary Club of Jasper that all finalists are celebrated and honored. “All of the women being honored have elevated those around them, have mentored other young women and have made our community a better place to live and work,” said Joyce Fleck, Rotary Club of Jasper President. “The Rotary Club of Jasper is proud to celebrate our great female leaders in Dubois County.” 

The ATHENA Leadership Award celebrates exemplary leadership and is reflective of a quote by Plato: “What is honored in a country will be cultivated there.” Over 8,000 recipients have been honored globally with the ATHENA Leadership Award since the program’s inception in 1982. Presented to female leaders across professional sectors, the ATHENA Leadership Award’s rich history, international scope and focus on mentorship distinguish it as one of the most prestigious leadership awards one can receive.

In addition to honoring this year’s finalists, attendees will hear from keynote speaker Mrs. Patricia Koch, Founder of the Santa Claus Museum and Village. Dinner will be prepared and served by Tim Flick, Carodella’s Custom Catering. A cash bar will be available.

Individual tickets are available at $50 each, and sponsorship packages are available ranging from $250 to $1,500 with varying benefits, including promotion and event tickets. A portion of the funds raised from this year’s event will go toward a charity of choice, decided by the ATHENA Award Recipient. The balance of funds will go toward the Rotary Club of Jasper’s Community Grants Program, which benefits nonprofits in Dubois County.

The Rotary Club of Jasper would like to thank its current event Platinum Sponsors: Dentons Bingham Greenebaum, German American Bank, Kimball International and Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center.

The deadline to register is August 1st. Additional information, including the link to download the registration form is found at under About Our Club / ATHENA.