The Freedom Lamp to be Lit Saturday in Jasper
Jasper - The Freedom Lamp, honoring Reverend Robert Greene, MM, will be rededicated and lit on Saturday, October 30. The community is invited to attend the ceremony on the Plaza of Saint Joseph Church, Jasper. It will start after the 4:30 Mass, approximately 5:30 PM, with a reception following. Father Greene was born in Jasper in 1911 and is a son of Saint Joseph parish.
The Freedom Lamp was originally dedicated on August 10, 1952. “Freedom God’s gift to all. May its flame burn eternally” is cast on the side of the monument. A unique tribute to Father Greene the Freedom Lamp was erected on the grounds of the Jasper Public Library by the Jasper Jaycees. With the construction of the new library, Saint Joseph welcomed the opportunity to give the Freedom Lamp a new permanent home. The site was prepared by Mason Schoenbachler and represents his Eagle Scout Project.
After being ordained as a Maryknoll Missionary on June 16, 1937, Father Greene was assigned to serve in China. After the end of World War II he became the pastor of the mission in the village of Tung-An.
During the rise of Communist China, Father Greene experienced house arrest, extreme persecution, isolation, torture, and endless questioning. He was then accused of being a spy and a false priest. Father Greene was put on trial, found guilty, and sentenced to death by beheading. He was then told that Mao Tse-tung had commuted his sentence to expulsion from China. Father Greene was then transported across China and put on display to be ridiculed and mocked.
Following his return to the United States, he continued to serve as a Priest and Missionary. He also became a best-selling author with his book, “Calvary in China”. Father Greene returned numerous times to Jasper, Indiana, and his home parish, Saint Joseph, where he will be remembered as a man of extreme courage and honor, a good and faithful servant.