Strassenfest Committee Announces 2022 Theme and Hoffmarschalls, New Temporary Location for 44th Annual Festival

Jasper – The Jasper Strassenfest Committee has announced the theme and Hoffmarschalls as well as some new experiences for the 44th Annual Jasper Strassenfest to be held August 4-7 in downtown Jasper. This year’s theme will be “A Great German Time”, and Jim and Rita Corn will be honored as Hoffmarschalls. Bob Bleemel will serve in his second year as the Jasper Strassenfest Chairman. The location of the festival will change slightly as plans move forward for the redevelopment of Jasper’s Courthouse Square. 

The theme, “A Great German Time”, was chosen to highlight an exciting new addition to this year’s Strassenfest, a life-sized, handcrafted Glockenspiel that will be on display at the festival. The theme also emphasizes the continued commitment to keeping German heritage at the heart of what makes the Japer Strassenfest such a fun and unique festival.

 Hoffmarschalls Jim and Rita Corn have been members of the Deutscher Verein for over 40 years serving in various leadership and support roles in the club. The couple helped assemble the first Strassenfest booth and and Rita served on the Strassenfest Committee in the early years of the fest. They were previously recognized for their commitment to building German Roots in Dubois County as recipients of the German Heritage Award in 2014. Jim, a talented carpenter, stone and woodcarver, was an integral part of making the new Glockenspiel come to life. Jim’s previous projects include the German Maypole located at the corner of Sixth and Newton streets in Jasper and a wood carved snail on display in Pfaffenweiler, Germany. 

As Strassenfest Hoffmarschalls, Jim and Rita will speak at opening ceremonies on Thursday, August 4th. They will also attend several Strassenfest events and activities and serve as Hoffmarschalls or Grand Marshalls, to lead the Strassenfest parade on Sunday, August 7th. 

While the Strassenfest has historically been held around the Jasper Courthouse Square since its start in 1979, this year the location will change slightly to accommodate the Jasper Redevelopment Commission’s Master Plan to redevelop Jasper’s downtown area.  The temporary layout will be set up as follows: The Jasper Jaycees beer garden will remain in its current location with the entrance moving to the east end of 4th Street.  Booths will line 4th Street between the beer garden and the main entertainment stage located at the end of 4th Street by the Cultural Center.  There will be games, along with picnic and entertainment seating set up in the Cultural Center and Library parking lot. Der Deutscher Platz will be in the lot on 4th & Jackson Streets and rides will be running off of 4th on Mill Street. 

 The Strassenfest Committee would also like to announce that sponsorship request letters have been mailed. The committee encourages past sponsors of the Jasper Strassenfest to watch for these letters and respond as quickly as possible. All cash and in-kind sponsors are listed in the official Strassenfest booklet each year. The committee would like to get these booklets printed and distributed well in advance of the Strassenfest to highlight the events, activities, and entertainment and to encourage as many people as possible to attend. 

If you do not receive a sponsorship request letter and would like to find out how you can become a sponsor of the Jasper Strassenfest, contact the Jasper Chamber of Commerce at 812-482-6866. 

For more information about the 2022 Jasper Strassenfest activities and events contact the Jasper Chamber of Commerce at 812-482-6866 or visit