Strassenfest Booth Registrations Now Being Accepted, Informational Meeting to Be Held
JASPER -- The 2020 Jasper Strassenfest Committee is now accepting registrations for food and game booths at this year’s festival.
All Strassenfest booths must be operated by
a Dubois County Non-Profit or Not-For Profit organization. Any organization that
operated a Strassenfest booth in the past is encouraged to register.
forms can be found at:
If you are a new organization wishing to apply to host a booth, or if you are a
returning booth wishing to add a new product or game, please check last year’s
offerings before turning in your registration.
The Strassenfest Committee does not
allow duplication of existing foods or games. This information may be found at:
You may also email, call or text Corie Eckerle-Schwartz with questions at:
cleckerle@gmail.com or 812-630-8791.
An informational meeting for all booth operators will be held March 17th at 6:00 PM at
the Jasper K of C at 201 East 30th Street in Jasper.
All booths are strongly encouraged
to have a representative at this meeting. Printed 2020 Booth Packets will be available at
this meeting. Packets will be mailed after March 17th to those unable to attend.
For any
additional questions or concerns contact Corie Eckerle-Schwartz at the above email
address or phone number.