Stay Warm, Stay Safe, advice from Jasper Fire Chief Kenny Hochesang

By: Corbin Lingenfelter, News Director

Jasper- The forecast near the end of the week will be the coldest in five years.

With the predicted temperatures in the low teens for southwestern Indiana, heaters and furnaces will be in full working order to keep residents warm. With the operations of these appliances, the Jasper Fire Department is wanting to remind everyone to stay safe.

“Make sure your furnace is maintained in good, proper working order,” said Jasper Fire Chief Kenny Hochesang, “If you have gas appliances use a carbon monoxide detector and if you have heaters that require ventilation keep those for garage and outdoor use, never indoor use.” 

Carbon monoxide detection can be the difference in safely heating your home and illness. If your carbon monoxide detector senses the gas within your home, call the Jasper Fire Department. They will check your appliances for leaks according to Chief Hochesang. 

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include dizziness, headache, nausea, confusion, and loss of consciousness. If you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning, get fresh air and call 9-1-1.

Space heater fires are the number one cause of house and apartment fires according to Fox Weather. If using a space heater:

  • Plug it directly into the wall outlet
  • Place in a clear area with no surrounding combustible material. The Jasper Fire Department recommends at least 3-feet.
  • Keep clear of walkways
  • Unplug from the wall when not in use

Chief Hochesang also recommends testing your smoke detectors as well. 

“Whether it’s a large or small fire, a working smoke detector can make a difference,” explained Hochesang.

Temperatures begin dropping Thursday night before hitting the low teens on Friday. Snow and rain are possible near the end of the week.