Southridge Student Earns State Award

Huntingburg-  Southridge student Maleah Dearing was recognized for her impact on the Special Needs community.

Dearing created a Special Needs Festival as part of a class assignment in 7th grade. That assignment would then be brought into action after meeting with Huntingburg Mayor Steve Schwinghammer and the city council.

The festival was designed to raise awareness and also provide a safe and comfortable place for those who feel uncomfortable at the bigger festivals in the county. After weather forced a change of location, the first Special Needs Festival was held in Memorial Gym.

Word of the festival reached former Huntingburg City Mayor Denny Spinner, who contacted State Representative Steve Bartels. Once Bartels learned of the work of Dearing, he nominated her for the Indiana Brilliant Firefly Award. Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch solidified the nomination, making Dearing the 25th winner of the award since 2019. 

The decision to honor Dearing was kept a secret from her until the ceremony Tuesday afternoon. 

“My mom said the school was getting an award,” Dearing said, “When I walked in I knew everybody.”

The ceremony featured the Lt. Governor, Representative Bartels, Spinner, and Huntingburg Mayor Steve Schwinghammer. Also in attendance was Southridge Middle School Principal Chad Whitehead, her seventh grade teacher who assigned the project, and Dearing’s friends and family. 

The Brilliant Firefly Award was created after three young Hoosiers started a campaign to make the firefly Indiana’s State Insect in 2016. After three years of campaigning and discussion, the law was passed in 2019. As part of the recognition of their work, the award was named after the insect. 

Since then, young hoosiers have been recognized for their community service, academic achievements and leadership with the award.

“The Maleah’s will be leading us into the future,” Said Lt. Gov. Crouch, “To be able to recognize, to be able to thank them for their contribution, means a lot to me.”

Dearing is already planning the next Special Needs Festival. The next event will be at a new date that has not been fully released.