Southern Indiana Leatherneck Detachment to Looks Ahead to Fall Events
Golf Scramble
The Southern Indiana Leatherneck Detachment's (SILD) Public Affairs Officer Steve Lindauer, National Officer Dave Englert, and Junior Vice Commandant Pat Moriarty joined the WITZ airwaves to highlight upcoming community events. With the annual 5K already in the books, attention has turned to the SILD Golf Scramble, to be held October 9th.
"This is our 10th year of putting on a golf scramble and it's been very successful because of Pat O'Keefe, one of our members who heads it up," Moriarty said. "I think this year that we've got about 25 teams of four. Not much room left to show up the day of, but you might try.
Teeing off at 1:00 p.m. at Buffalo Trace Golf Course in Jasper, the course is set to be packed with former service members and friends, with some eyeing a $10,000 prize. The award was claimed two years ago.
"One of the things we have on there is a $10,000 hole-in-one," Englert said. "Which went out two years ago, so we had an individual who won $10,000 off of this golf scramble. That's available again this year."
The Buffalo Trace Golf Scramble is set to tee off beginning at 1:00 p.m. and includes lunch.
Proceeds for the event go towards supporting the mission of the Marine Corps League, including: Dubois County Veterans, Care Packages, Wounded Warriors, Honor Flight, Little League Sponsorship, Marine Family Support Group, and Local Marine Families in Need.
Marine Corps Ball
Though the majority of SILD's missions and efforts focus on helping others, the Marine Corps Ball is one event planned annually to celebrate their history.
The 246th Birthday of the Marine Corps will be held at the Huntingburg Event Center on November 6, 2021. Though this is an event centered on the Marine Corps and members, individuals from other branches of the military, and the public are encouraged to attend.
"I always tell people this way, I've invited a few friends to be guests with us - if you've never been exposed to anything in the military, this is a little bit of a sprinkling," Lindauer said. "There is a ceremony we go through, we recognize the youngest Marine that is present as well as the oldest Marine that is present. That can be somewhat solemn."
Many Marines and service members will don their uniforms to the formal event. A guest speaker, dinner, music, and dancing round out the night of celebration.
Tickets are available now through www.sildmarines.com, for $40 each, with a cutoff date of October 23rd.
Upcoming Events
Be on the lookout for more information on WITZ in regards to SILD's Toys for Tots campaign, as well as an upcoming, newly-announced rally for veterans.