Soil and Water Conservation District Announces Availability of Grant Funds for Fall 2021 Cover Crops

Local Sources - The Dubois County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Supervisors are announcing the availability of cost share funds for cover crops sown in the fall of 2021.

 The funds are very limited. Completed applications must be received by the SWCD office by 4 PM Monday, November 29, 2021. Incomplete or phone applications will not be accepted.

 The cost share will be offered at the rate of $20 per acre, up to 100 acres per individual or entity. Applications will be ranked for funding. Criteria for ranking include whether the landowner has used cover crops in the past, and if they have livestock. In the event of ties, the date the application is submitted will determine funding availability. 

 The cover crops must have been applied by no-till practices, broadcasting, or aerial application. The cover crop must meet USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service specifications and are not to be harvested for forage. For more details, or an application form, contact the SWCD at (812) 482-1171 ext. 3, or e-mail to . The cover crop fields submitted for payment will be field verified by SWCD staff. 

 This cover crop project will provide many benefits to Dubois County, including: 
 Increased organic matter and nitrogen in the soil, and the improvement of overall soil health by adding living roots to the soil during more months of the year. 
 Improved water infiltration into the soil. 
 Protection of the soil from erosive heavy rains and strong winds. 
 Winter food and cover for birds and other wildlife, and food for pollinators if used in the growing season. 
 Cash benefits for local landowners. 

 The cover crop payment program is made possible by funds provided by the Dubois County Soil and Water Conservation District and a Clean Water Indiana grant provided through the Indiana State Department of Agriculture’s Division of Soil Conservation. For more information contact the SWCD office at 482-1171, Ext. 3.