Sister Rose Mary Rexing, OSB, Named 2023 Athena Award Winner

By: Corbin Lingenfelter, News Director

Huntingburg- A roar of applause was met by the reading of the 2023 Athena Leadership Award winner name at the Huntingburg Event Center Wednesday night.

Sister Rose Mary Rexing, OSB, has a long history of leading and teaching. In her bio for her nomination, Sister Rexing has “Fifty years of ministry in following God’s call have led to many different paths of leadership. She has served in many roles with the SoSB, including Vocations Director, Director of Mission Advancement, and currently serves as the Director of Hospitality and Spirituality. She most recently served as the Executive Director of Mission Integration at Memorial Hospital.”

Sister Rexing laid down some prerequisites in her nomination, saying, “All the credit goes to God, family, and my community, the Sisters of St. Benedict (SoSB).”

When her name was read as the winner, it came as a surprise to her.

“I really didn’t expect it,” Sister Rexing said, “It’s such an honor and all the women that I’ve gotten to know, such leaders, and the speaker today, just what she said about being a mentor. Take other women with you and be a coach and sponsor. I love that, and I was continuing learning, so I’m on the journey to continue learning. Again, I said my thanks goes to God for helping me.”

As part of her award, Sister Rexing chose a charitable organization for the Rotary Club of Dubois County to make a donation to. Her choice, Women of the Rule, which she created. 

There were five total nominees for this year's Athena Award including Sister Rexing. Four of the nominees, including Rexing, were teachers or school administrators. 

“I think you’re always helping others by sharing who you are and what you’ve done. Invite them to recognize their gifts,” Sister Rexing said.

She also had great praise for the Rotary Club and the work they do in the community.

“The Rotary Club (of Dubois County) has just been outstanding,” She said, “Just their service to the community and all that they do. I look at their website and they’re just constantly serving families and people. Just making this a good place to live, it’s wonderful.”

The other nominees for this year’s Athena award were Annette Altmeyer, Dana Kunz, Dr. Kristi Nord, and Erin Rauscher.