Gov. Holcomb Urges Hoosiers to Set Emergency Plan for Severe Weather Preparedness Week

Local Sources - Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb is urging Hoosiers to set an emergency preparedness plan ahead of next week's severe weather preparedness week.

Three months into 2022 and Indiana has already seen the effects of extreme weather. The Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS) is encouraging you and your family to set up a plan now as the state recognizes Severe Weather Preparedness Week.

IDHS has the tools you need to get your emergency plan together or to update your current plan. Follow agency social media pages beginning Sunday as well as visit These tips and tricks will help keep you safe during any storm.

“Currently, we have areas of Indiana experiencing flooding. It’s a common problem for much of our state this time of year. But just because it’s common, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prepare for potential flood waters,” said Mary Moran, IDHS director of emergency management and preparedness. “Homeowners need to know their resources, plans and have emergency kits on hand.”

Drivers likely have heard the phrase, Turn Around Don’t Drown. It is an important phrase to keep in mind this time of year. A car can float in two feet of water and just two inches can move a car off the road. If you see standing water, take a route to avoid it. Don’t test your luck.

As part of Severe Weather Preparedness Week, a statewide tornado drill is planned for 10:15 a.m. EDT/9:15 a.m. CDT on Tuesday, March 15. This is an opportunity for families, schools and businesses to practice severe weather emergency plans. Make sure your family, including children, know what to do and where to go. Emergency sirens will sound, but residents should not be startled by this test siren. This drill will be postponed to March 16 if weather conditions are not ideal on March 15.

To learn more about preparing for severe weather, visit or follow IDHS on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.