Senator Messmer on Supporting Hoosier Veterans

Local Sources - In this week's address from Indiana Senator Mark Messmer, Messmer focuses on supporting Hoosier Veterans.

This week, on Nov. 11, we will celebrate Veterans Day. Indiana is home to nearly 550,000 veterans, and the Indiana General Assembly continues to pass legislation that supports them after they've left the service, including assistance in attaining medical care and continuing their education.

Senate Enrolled Act 91 extended the hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) pilot program until 2025 and adds a provision that allows providers to receive payment for the treatment, regardless of whether the treatment did or did not improve a patient's health. Previously, providers could only receive payment if a patient's health improved, which could lead to the unintended consequence of bias when measuring results.

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized environment, helping those who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder or head trauma.

Another bill passed by the General Assembly, Senate Enrolled Act 93 allows veterans of the United States Military and the Indiana National Guard who are residents of Illinois, Michigan, Kentucky or Ohio to be eligible for in-state tuition rates at Indiana colleges and universities. The veteran applying for in-state tuition under this legislation would have to apply to an Indiana institution within three years of their discharge.

Also, Senate Enrolled Act 316, increased the number of eligible veterans to qualify for emergency aid from the Military Family Relief Fund. The Military Family Relief Fund is designed to assist Indiana veterans and their families that are experiencing financial hardship. This emergency grant may be used for needs such as housing, utilities, food, medical services, and basic transportation.

I encourage you to honor a veteran's life on Veterans Day, Nov. 11. Give them a call. Send them a text. Take them out to dinner. Without their service, we would not have the freedoms we enjoy each and every day.

As always, feel free to contact my office directly with your questions and concerns by email at or by phone at 800-382-9467.