Senator Braun's Growing Climate Solutions to be voted on today at 11

WASHINGTON - Senator Mike Braun's Growing Climate Solutions Act will receive a vote on the Senate floor today, scheduled for 11am. 

The Growing Climate Solutions Act, introduced by Senator Braun and Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow and cosponsored by 52 Senators (half Republicans, half Democrats), helps farmers access carbon credit markets which encourages sustainable practices and helps them get paid for sequestering carbon. 

“Farmers have always led the way on protecting our environment, and the Growing Climate Solutions Act helps them get paid for their sustainable practices through voluntary carbon credit markets," said Senator Braun. "Hoosiers want real-world solutions - not more government - and Growing Climate Solutions is a bipartisan, common-sense, pro-jobs win that farmers, industry leaders, and conservationists can all support – all without growing our government or adding to our deficit.”