Senator Braun joins letter calling for Special Counsel to investigate Biden business dealings

Washington- Senator Mike Braun joined Senator Marsha Blackburn and Senator J.D. Vance in calling for a Special Counsel to investigate allegations of wrongdoing by Hunter Biden, President Biden, and his family in their business dealings.

As reported in the New York Post, “[The letter comes] a day after Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) revealed that the Ukrainian businessman who allegedly paid $5 million apiece to Joe and Hunter Biden in 2015 and 2016 claimed to keep 17 audio recordings of the president and first son as ‘insurance.’”

The Senators wrote,

“Recent reports indicate that Burisma—a Ukrainian natural gas firm where Hunter Biden sat on the board—allegedly paid then-Vice President Biden $5 million to influence United States policy decisions—conduct that would clearly constitute bribery. To make matters worse, the FBI has stonewalled congressional oversight of this matter, refusing to comply with a subpoena from the House Oversight Committee. Additionally, both Joe and Hunter Biden pursued numerous business deals that were allegedly arranged by individuals with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).”

“Given these concerning allegations that continue to come to light with each passing day, we urge you to appoint a special counsel to investigate any wrongdoing by President Biden and his family in their business dealings.  Only then—with the appointment of a neutral and independent special counsel with broad authority to investigate these credible claims of the Biden family’s corruption—can the American people be assured that there is truly one set of laws in this country and that they apply to everyone equally, regardless of their viewpoint or political affiliation,” continued the senators.

Read the full letter.