Senate Votes Down “The Braun Budget”

Washington- The Braun Budget will not be moving forward.

On Wednesday, July 20th, the US Senate voted down Senator Mike Braun’s (R-IN) proposed budget. By a final vote of 34–65, the proposal died in the Senate.

Braun’s budget claimed to create a balanced budget to combat government over spending, fight inflation without raising taxes, and permanently install the Trump era tax cuts.

In a statement following the vote, Senator Braun said,

“Today I forced the Senate to vote on a balanced budget. My budget would make the Trump tax cuts permanent, unleash American energy independence, fight Biden’s inflation crisis, and provide the most robust national defense of any plan out there. Sadly, the majority of the Senate voted to raise taxes, weaken our national security, and keep driving our nation into bankruptcy.”

The budget was proposed under the Congressional Budget Act, which states if the Senate Budget Committee fails to report a budget resolution by April 15th, any Senator can introduce their own budget and receive a vote on the Senate floor.

Watch Senator Braun’s speech before the vote on his balanced budget: