Sen. Braun's Staff to Meet With Constituents in Ferdinand Next Week
FERDINAND -- U.S. Senator Mike Braun’s staff will be in Ferdinand next week meeting with local constituents.
They will be there "to assist you with any issues you are having with federal agencies, listen to concerns about pending or future legislation, and help address any other topics you may want to discuss."
"Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are asking anyone wishing to attend the Mobile Office RSVP and work with our staff to schedule a time to discuss how our office can be of assistance," staff said in a statement this week. "You may do so by emailing Regional Director Jan Schuler-Hicks at Jan_schuler-hicks@braun.senate.gov. Our staff will be wearing face coverings for your safety and theirs and we encourage you to consider doing so as well to remain consistent with Indiana’s “Back on Track” Phase 4 recommendations. Further, we ask you to respect social distancing recommendations with staff during your meeting and with other attendees while coming or going."
Please see below for details:
Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Time: 2:00PM - 4:00PM
Ferdinand Town Hall
2065 Main Street
Ferdinand, Indiana 47532