Scam Alert: Grandparents Scams Increase During Spring Break

WITZ Radio News is an affiliate of Network Indiana 

STATEWIDE -- It's Spring Break season across the country, which means it's time for grandparents to be on high alert for scams.

Director of Chief Counsel of Consumer Protection Betsy DeNardi says watch out for grandparent scams.

"An individual will call someone who is, usually, a grandparent. They try and do some research, and they impersonate your grandchild," DeNardi said.

She said the scammers will often pose as a grandchild who has fallen under a random circumstance of bad luck.

Some of them will say they were wrongfully thrown in jail and need bail money. Others might say their car has broken down, and request your help with purchasing a new one.

If you receive a call like this from a "grandchild," DeNardi suggests you immediately hang up and call the appropriate family member (i.e. the grandchild's parent) to confirm the story.

If you've fallen victim to a grandparent scam, contact the Consumer Protection Division at or call 1-800-382-5516.