Santa Clause Sheriffs Department Responds to Potential Threat

The city of Santa Clause and its Sheriffs department have responded to a potential threat circling around that started on Monday this week. 

Police Chief James Fulkenberg said rumors started when a Heritage Hills middle school student received a scary message on Snapchat that "Heritage middle school" was a potential shooting target. After intensely investigating the message with help from the Indiana State Police department, they were able to track the message from Ashville, Tennessee. Chief Fulkenberg and ISP were able to make contact with the Ashville police department who were already aware of the message and had traced the original message to Florida.  "Again, we tracked it to Tennessee and when I spoke with Ashville they had tracked it all the way down to Florida. And it is the exact same screenshot that was received here. So someone had screenshot the original at some point of time and began requesting Friends from different states and different "Heritage Middle Schools" and then they are sending the original screenshot" said Chief Faulkenberg. 

Chief Faulkenberg does not believe that Heritage Hills middle school is under any sort of threat, but doesn't want to take the chance and are being very cautious anyway. "we don't feel like currently there is any threat, but we take these matters very seriously and that's why we have extra officers on school grounds today" said Faulkenberg. 

We will update on this situation if any more information becomes available.