Saint Meinrad Day of Service Planned for Jasper
St. Meinrad - The Saint Meinrad Alumni Association is hosting the eighth annual Saint Meinrad Day of Service on Saturday, March 12, in 11 cities across the country.
The Day of Service is an opportunity for communities to come together in a way that is reflective of how the monks of Saint Meinrad live daily, through prayer and work.
In Jasper, the Day of Service site will be St. Joseph Church. Work will include cleaning the grounds, spreading mulch, and cleaning the Parish Center.
The day will begin with Mass at 8 a.m., followed by registration, coffee, and doughnuts. Service projects will begin soon after and will be followed by an appreciation lunch at 12 p.m.
Saint Meinrad alumni Fr. Andrew Thomas and Fr. Brian Emmick are the Jasper site leaders.
There is no cost to participate, and each volunteer will receive a free t-shirt and lunch, courtesy of the Saint Meinrad Alumni Association. You do not need to be an alumnus of Saint Meinrad to participate.
Volunteers are asked to register by March 5 to ensure an accurate count for lunch and t-shirts.
For more details or to register, visit https://alumni.saintmeinrad.edu/home/day-of-service/ or call the Alumni Office at (800) 682-0988.