Ryan Barbauld named new Admissions Director at Vincennes University

Vincennes, Ind. - Vincennes University has selected a new leader of its Admissions team. VU President Dr. Chuck Johnson has announced the appointment of Ryan Barbauld as Director of Admissions. 

“Ryan Barbauld brings nearly a decade and a half of experience in higher education and that background, along with his familiarity with VU, made him a great choice to help us build on previous and ongoing efforts to get the word out about all that a VU education has to offer,” Johnson said. 

Barbauld begins his duties at VU on June 21. 

His career has come full circle. Barbauld got his start in higher education at VU as an admissions counselor in 2007. He then became assistant director of admissions. 

“I know what VU has to offer,” Barbauld said. “I’m excited about leading and growing the staff at VU so that we can maintain the student focus and being that student-centered office in providing all the necessary information and details to get a student excited about hopefully enrolling at VU.” 

Barbauld is enthusiastic about helping to educate potential students and their families about the affordable, high-quality educational programs and transformational opportunities offered by VU. 

“VU has done a great job of maintaining quality education, but keeping the cost affordable for students,” he said. “What we know about this generation, Generation Z is very mindful of costs, and they don’t want to accrue a lot of debt. Maybe their parents have gone through difficult times, especially this past year and a half of going through a pandemic.” 

Barbauld’s experience includes increasingly responsible roles in admissions and student support at several leading universities in the region. 

Barbauld most recently was the Senior Associate Director of Admissions at the University of Louisville. Before joining U of L, he was the Senior Associate Director for Recruitment at Iowa State University. At Purdue University, he served in various roles, including Intercollegiate Athletics Student Services Learning Specialist, Senior Assistant Director of Admissions (Indiana relations), and Assistant Director of Admissions. 

He is a native of Merrillville, Indiana. He obtained a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education and a minor in Special Education from the University of Southern Indiana. 

Barbauld is looking forward to rejoining the VU community. 

“I started my career at VU, and had some really great times and memories working with students and families,” he said. “I’ve missed getting to know the students, and that is what is exciting for me. I am also excited about moving back to the area. That area is home for my wife and me. We are excited to be closer to family and friends, and do the jobs that we love to do.” 

He met his wife, Audra Barbauld, in college. Audra is employed as a realtor. The couple has two daughters and a Goldendoodle.