ROJAC adding More Décor this Holiday Season

By: Corbin Lingenfelter, News Director

Jasper- If you take a stroll through downtown Jasper in November and December, you may see light poles wrapped with festive garlands. While showing the Christmas spirit, the Redevelop Old Jasper Action Committee (R.O.J.A.C) wants to add more decorations to welcome visitors to the historic city.

ROJAC held a press conference on Wednesday, August 17th to announce the purchase of 100 double sided wreaths to hang on the same light poles as the garlands and others throughout Old Jasper. The wreaths, which were approximately $50,000, were bought with donation funds from 350+ members of R.O.J.A.C.

“We checked around with the city and the chamber and nobody is in charge of it (decorations). So we said, okay, we’re going to do it,” said ROJAC President Dave Buehler, “We think it’s important to help downtown Jasper become more vibrant, especially during the Christmas season.”

Wreaths will be placed throughout downtown and down 3rd avenue (See Photo).

In addition to the wreaths, ROJAC is also installing banner holders to display celebratory signage of the season. Those, along with an additional 40-50 more wreaths, will come in 2023 after the completion of the downtown revitalization and infrastructure project.

If you would like to become a member of R.O.J.A.C., or become a wreath sponsor, you can find information here.