Road Closure in Huntingburg
The City of Huntingburg Street Department will be working on these three streets Monday September 9th, Tuesday, September 10th and if necessary, Wednesday, September 11th. These streets will be closed to all traffic from 8:00am until 5:00pm to do surface coating. During this time, there will be NO traffic allowed. Vehicles must be removed from garages by 7:00am on the days of your street project and remain out until the street is opened back up. Adequate parking is available on connecting side streets.
Weather permitting
Monday (1st coat)
N. Chestnut Street (19th to Phoenix), then
Cour De Lane (12th to 8th Street), then
9th Street (Cour De Lane to Jackson)
Tuesday (2nd coat)
N. Chestnut Street (19th to Phoenix), then
Cour De Lane (12th to 8th Street), then
9th Street (Cour De Lane to Jackson)
For more information, please contact Jason Stamm, Street Superintendent or Andrea Brown, Safety/Risk Management Director at (812) 683-2211 or by email at [email protected]