Public invited to Local Amateur Radio Field Day

Ferdinand- The Patoka Valley Amateur Radio Club (PVARC) is participating in the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field Day event which runs from 2:00 PM Saturday, June 24 to 2:00 PM Sunday, June 25, 2020. 

ARRL Field Day is an annual nationwide exercise that tests the amateur radio operators and equipment, and their ability to operate under adverse conditions such as those that may occur during a disaster. 

Amateur radio is recognized as one of the only viable communications means that would be available after a large-scale disaster. This exercise involves amateur radio operators throughout the U.S. and Canada who set up temporary stations, many using emergency power from generators, batteries, or solar power. From these temporary stations, they contact as many other stations as possible in North America and beyond. There are over 750,000 amateur radio licensees in the US and approximately 3 million around the world.  More information regarding Field Day and the over 1,000 participating sites around the nation can be viewed at HTTP://

The PVARC is operating from 18’th Street Park upper shelter house, Ferdinand, IN, Saturday June 24 2:00 pm thru noon Sunday June 25. The public is invited to watch the amateurs in operation as they communicate with stations around the country and around the world. 

For more information on the Field Day event or on becoming a licensed Amateur Radio Operator, contact the PVARC at [email protected].   

The Patoka Valley Amateur Radio Club’s objective is to foster, educate, and promote amateur radio in the Patoka River Valley.  We meet monthly on the third Tuesday at FOE Eagles Club, 708 East 6th Street, Huntingburg, IN dining room, 6:30 pm. Eastern time, and the public is welcome to attend the meetings.