Prosecutor Anthony Quinn, Councilman Greulich, Assessor Giesler Announce Party Switch

Dubois Co. - Joined by the Dubois County Republican Party Chairman, Senator Mark Messmer, and Sheriff Tom Kleinhelter, Dubois County Prosecutor Anthony Quinn, a former Democrat, announced his decision to officially change his party affiliation to the Republican Party on January 5, 2022. 

As for his reasoning Quinn stated, “While I greatly appreciate the support I have been given by the local Democrat Party over the years, they have recently taken a more national political view that is not in line with my personal values. I feel they have lost sight of what is and has been traditionally important to the people of Dubois County. As a Prosecutor, support for law enforcement is important to me, as is holding criminals accountable who harm our communities.  We have seen a national trend among democrats to defund police and remove personal responsibility and accountability.  Those are things I can’t stand for and a big reason for my party switch today."

Quinn is appreciative of the support given by members of the community in electing him to serve as Prosecutor. He said, “I often hear when making their choice on who to support, people vote for the person, not the party.  I appreciate and share that view, however, after self-reflection, I found my personal political ideals most closely align with the Dubois County Republicans and could no longer serve under the democrat banner.” 

Fellow Republicans, State Senator Mark Messmer, Sheriff Tom Kleinhelter, and Party Chair Kitty Merkley participated in the announcement.  “I have gotten to know Anthony Quinn quite well both personally and professionally during his time as Prosecutor.  He is a solid conservative across the board.  I am pleased to have Anthony join the Republican party.  I know he will continue to serve the County very well,” said Senator Messmer. 

Quinn is not the only one changing parties, Dubois County Councilman Craig Greulich, who will be seeking a third term in 2022 announced he is switching his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican as well. “My values have never changed because I am focused on Dubois County first, and that will continue.”

Dubois County Assessor Angie Giesler also joined the event to announce her intention to switch her party affiliation to Republican.  In the last few months, I've felt the need to reevaluate what my political beliefs are and find that I fall more on the conservative side than where the Democratic party is today. After talking with some Republican leaders, I have decided to make a change and file for re-election for Dubois County Assessor as a Republican.” said Giesler

Prosecutor Quinn closed his remarks by thanking the party leadership.  “I want to express my sincere gratitude to leaders in the Dubois County Republican Party for welcoming all of us as members and look forward to working together in the months ahead.  Quinn is expected to make an announcement about his future plans in the coming days.