Liz Gutgsell is a local seasoned recreation pickleball professional that firmly
believes pickleball is much more than just a game played with a holey plastic ball.
Liz has been a student of the game since 2017 and her journey has most recently
brought her to be a "4 point something" player with several tournament losses
and wins in her path. As an IPTPA certified pickleball coach, she provides a
cooperative and collaborative perspective on pickleball play allowing players to
maximize a smarter way to play and enjoy the game that has become popular in
communities worldwide. Whether you are a current player, know a player, think
you might want to try playing or just want to know what the heck this pickleball
talk is all about; this is your time to show up!
Take advantage of this free session at the Ferdinand Library on Wednesday,
March 13 that will feature Liz sharing play, scoring and strategy tips with time
available for Q & A. Plan for some insightful, interactive and an encouraging way
to kick start a lively Spring season!
More information is available on the Ferdinand Library’s Facebook page or
on their website, www.jdcpl.us. Registration is not required but is preferred on
the website as well: www.jdcpl.us
The Ferdinand Library is open M-TH from 9-8, F from 9-5 and S from 9-2.
Contact the Library at 812.367.1671 with any questions.