Perry County FOP Seeking Snack Donations For Hurricane Relief "Snack Packs"

By: David Shepherd, Director of News & Public Information, Forecaster

PERRY COUNTY -- The Perry County Fraternal Order of Police [FOP] is sending out a call for help supplying "snack packs" to send to the South Carolina FOP for officers who will be working around-the-clock after Hurricane Florence passes through.

"We have been in direct contact with the South Carolina State Fraternal Order of Police, the FOP explained in a post Friday to social media.  "Our local Lodge and Departments have spoken with the Lodge president, who has advised there will be a need for snack packs for the officers, who will be working countless hours."

In the wake of a devastating Hurricane, like Florence,  officers and other emergency service personnel work very long hours, get little sleep, and have even less time to eat.   These "snack packs" will be non-perishable and easy to eat on the go.  

"Our Lodge is preparing to send supplies directly to those officers. We are aware there will be many fundraising efforts for those on the coast, for those of you who feel so inclined to donate to this cause, they would greatly appreciate it!" 

There are two ways in which to donate: purchase non-perishable food items (preferably high in protein) and drop them off at the Tell City Police Department or Perry County Sheriff's Office; or you can drop off a monetary donation at the Tell City Police Dept and we will purchase the items needed to make the snack packs. 

Your donations will be sent to a headquarters in a safe area along the East Coast once one is set up.

Examples of items needed include Beef Jerky, Peanut Butter Crackers, Protein Bars, Granola Bars, Peanuts, Water Flavoring, Trail Mix, Raisens, Pretzels, Almonds, Seeds (ie. Sunflower, Pumpkin, etc.), Chewing gum and mints

If you have any questions, please contact Cassandra Dickenson at 812-719-8822

You can see the full statement from the Perry County FOP below....


Perry County Community:

We have been in direct contact with the South Carolina State Fraternal Order of Police. Our local Lodge and Departments have spoken with the Lodge president, who has advised there will be a need for snack packs for the officers, who will be working countless hours. Our Lodge is preparing to send supplies directly to those officers. We are aware there will be many fundraising efforts for those on the coast, for those of you who feel so inclined to donate to this cause, they would greatly appreciate it!

Please know now that your donation will go directly to the responders working the tragedy at ground zero. There are two ways in which to donate: purchase non-perishable food items (preferably high in protein) and drop them off at the Tell City Police Department or Perry County Sheriff's Office; or you can drop off a monetary donation at the Tell City Police Dept and we will purchase the items needed to make the snack packs. Our donation will be enroute to the East Coast, as soon as they are able to establish a headquarters in a safe area.

Our community and their generosity is just another reason why we love calling Perry County home.

An example of items needed: 
Beef jerky
Peanut Butter Crackers
Protein Bars
Granola Bars
Water Flavoring
Trail Mix
Seeds (ie. Sunflower, Pumpkin, etc.)
Chewing gum or mints

If you have any questions, please contact Cassandra Dickenson at 812-719-8822