Patoka 2000 Draws Coloring Contest Winners

Jasper -  Three winners have been drawn in the Patoka 2000 coloring contest.

This year a coloring contest was held in conjunction with Earth Day and Arbor Day for children through the 5th grade. 

A random drawing was held, and, out of the 68 entries that were received the winners are: Olivia Reckelhoff, Hampton Erny and Hadley Hulsman. Each winner will receive a $20 Dairy Queen gift card, compliments of Patoka 2000. 

The coloring pages will be hung in the windows of the former Sternberg Building until the middle of May.

Throughout the year, Patoka 2000 works on a variety of projects, including the Spring Clean-up, Tree Give-away, Tree blessing, planting and watering of the planters on the Patoka River Bridge, soliciting donations for the flowers and flags on the bridge, one event at the Farmer’s Market, Old Jasper Day and the Duck Race, and the Fall clean- up near the Patoka River bridge area. 

Patoka 2000 is the beautification committee of the Jasper Chamber of Commerce. It is made up entirely of volunteers who are dedicated to – and promote – the establishment and preservation of beauty, cleanliness, and trees in the City of Jasper. The committee meets on the second Thursday of each month at 8:00 a.m. at Azura Café in Jasper. If you are interested in joining Patoka 2000, wish to make a financial contribution, or would like additional information, contact the Jasper Chamber of Commerce at 812/482-6866.