IN DEPTH: Gov. Holcomb Talks School Security on WITZ
STATEWIDE --- In the wake of the school shooting in Noblesville, Indiana governor Eric Holcomb's administration is looking into ways to better protect students in school.
While new funding was made available BEFORE Noblesville, the governor says there is much more work that needs to be done now in the wake of the Indiana school shooting.
"It can happen anywhere," governor Holcomb told news director David Shepherd. "We just allocated more dollars for grant funding to help schools get those resource officers and make [schools] safer."
"And we have put $35 million in that also gives schools access to funding resources to make sure their schools are the safest they can be," the governor added.
The governor tells WITZ Radio News that some schools in Indiana allow certain teachers to carry guns. As you may recall, President Trump grew sharp criticism for his idea to arm teachers, many fearing that plan could backfire.
Locally, Jasper School officials will be using the summer break to make some security improvements to our schools.
Northeast Dubois Schools wants to add a school resource officer and Tell City schools recently approved a plan to hire one.
The governor vows schools will have the financial resources they need to make those improvements.