Online American Heart Association E-Learning
Jasper– Four out of five cardiac arrests happen at home.
Are you prepared with CPR if a loved one suffers a cardiac emergency? The American Heart Association is making CPR training more accessible by offering blended learning, an online training tool!
The American Heart Association now offers blended learning CPR courses that feature online CPR courses followed by an on-site skills evaluation. To do online courses, go to and find the course you need. Once the online portion is complete, print the certificate, then call Memorial Hospital’s Health and Wellness staff at 812-996-2399 (option 1) to schedule a skills evaluation to complete your certification. Skills evaluations are scheduled and offered for Heartcode® BLS, Heartsaver® CPR with AED, and Heartsaver® First Aid CPR with AED. Cost for the skills evaluation portion is $45 plus a $15 eCard fee. Note: A short video segment is required. Class time could take 45 - 90 minutes.