Officials Working on a Mid-States Corridor Have Narrowed Down Their Options to Just Five Routes
JASPER -- Contractors working on plans for a Mid-States Corridor through the area have narrowed down their options.
The Lochmueller Group will host public meetings next week to hear from the public on the ten options along five different routes.
The Free Press reports the five routes are known just by letters B, C, M, O and P. They all begin at US 231 near I64.
A final route is expected to be announced later this year and officials want to hear from you.
Public Meetings will be held next week in Jasper, Loogootee and Bedford.
Tuesday, Feb. 18: Loogootee High School
201 Brooks Ave., Loogootee, IN
Wednesday, Feb. 19: Bedford Middle School
1501 N St., Bedford, IN
Thursday, Feb. 20: Jasper Middle School
3600 N. Portersville Rd., Jasper, IN
The meetings are scheduled 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. ET and will feature an open house format. A presentation is planned for 6 p.m. each night. Project team members will be available for one-on-one conversations and questionnaires will be available to gather public input.