OFFICIALS: No One In Dubois County Has Been Tested For COVID-19
JASPER -- Not a single person has been tested for COVID-19 in Dubois County, according to a statement released by the Dubois County Health Department released Tuesday.
Officials say the county does have nasal swab test kits on-hand, however, there is a "screening process for the critically ill."
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Currently there are no cases of COVID-19 in Dubois County. The Dubois County Health Department is meeting daily with Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center and community leaders to address all the issues concerning this pandemic. We have received numerous calls at the Dubois County Health Department from our concerned residents.
At this time, no Dubois County residents have been tested. The test is a nasal swab. Test kits are available in the county however there is a screening process for the critically ill.
The Indiana State Department testing guidelines are as follows
- Severe illness with fever and lower respiratory symptoms, constituting:
- Admission to the hospital and needing addition critical care support (high flow oxygen, bipap, intubation or admission to the intensive care unit)
- Negative for other respiratory illnesses, i.e. – influenza
- Healthcare workers (inpatient, outpatient, nursing homes, etc.)
- Symptomatic with fever and lower respiratory symptoms and in their role has potential or unknown exposure to at risk patients
The Dubois County Health Department is prepared for any monitoring that may be necessary, however, to date, no one has been identified that has required monitoring.
The main symptoms of COVID-19 include: Fever, Cough, and Shortness of Air. Most people with these symptoms do not have COVID-19. As with any respiratory illness, if symptoms are mild, please stay at home while ill. Other factors such as age, health risk, contact exposure, and severity of the illness will require further advice. We urge people with questions about their individual illness or who feel they need further evaluation to contact their health care provider or contact the Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Alternative Screening Site at 812-996-6330. People with respiratory symptoms should take precautions and not expose themselves to others and practice social distancing.