Northeast Dubois Schools Prepare for Back to School

School preparations were in full swing for the Northeast Dubois County School Corporation at their regular board meeting on Tuesday night. 

An adjustment to the school calendars for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years was approved to balance the number of Mondays being missed by preschool classes. Flex PD days from October 21 and March 31 were moved to October 11 and March 21 for the 2024-2025 school year. For the 2025-2026 school year, Flex PD days were moved from October 27 and March 30 to October 17 and March 20. The October 2024 Board Meeting will also be moved from October 15 th , which is during Fall Break, to October 8 th . 

Updates were accepted for the student handbooks for the 2024-25 school year for the Elementary, Intermediate, and Junior/Senior High Schools. The fee structure for students will remain the same as last year, with a $20.00 activity fee per student at the Northeast Dubois Elementary School and a $25.00 activity fee per student at the Northeast Dubois Intermediate School for the 2024-2025 school year. At the Northeast Dubois Junior/Senior High School, fees will also remain the same $25.00 activity fee per student, a $20.00 class fee per student, and a $5.00 parking fee for students driving to school. The Northeast Dubois County School Corporation 2024-2025 Back-to-School Plan was approved by the board. The plan states that the district schools are opening under normal circumstances and are not contact tracing. Having the plan is a state requirement that was enacted after Covid, and is a requirement to be eligible for grant funds. The 2025 Budget Timeline was also approved. Although the dates are set by the state, the district is required to review and formally adopt the timeline. 

A series of hiring recommendations for the coming year was made and accepted by the board. Angie Schepers was approved as an assistant at the Intermediate School, and Lillie Roelle, Macy Schneider, and Colby Pieper were approved as assistants at the Elementary School. In other business, Dr. Tara Rasche was granted authorization to publish the Notice of the Project Hearing in order to adhere to the timeline that would make the district eligible for a bond project in the fall if they choose. The board granted approval for field trips for the Girls Soccer team to attend camp in Anderson, Indiana on July 18 th -20 th , 2024, and for the FFA to attend the National Convention in Indianapolis on October 23 rd - 25 th . 

On Monday, July 22 nd , online registration begins. Registration in person will be available on July 29 th from 3 to 7 pm. Also on July 29 th , open houses will be held at the Intermediate and Elementary Schools from 4:30 to 6:30. Registration will also be available on July 30 th from 8 to 3, and the first day of school will be on August 7 th .

For more information on these and other updates, visit

- By Drew Hasselbring