Nikki Lasher Earns National Certification
Jasper– The National Community Action Partnership has announced that Nikki Lasher, Health Family, and Community Partnerships Director from TRI-CAP was one of 72 first-rate human services professionals to receive the organization’s Certified Community Action Professional (CCAP) credential this year. The new CCAPs were honored September 1, 2022 at the Awards Gala during the Partnership’s Annual Convention in New York City. Joyce Fleck, CCAP, TRI-CAP Executive Director, would like to thank Nikki for her 15 years of dedication to TRI-CAP and congratulates her for earning this certification.
“I decided I wanted to pursue this designation to enhance the credibility in my field of work.” said Nikki Lasher.
Community Action managers and leaders from across the country that work with low-income individuals and communities earn the CCAP designation after demonstrating their Community Action acumen by completing a detailed assessment of their knowledge of poverty theories, causes, and remedies; ability to help low-income people achieve economic stability; and comprehension of the mission, vision and values of Community Action. There are approximately 800 active CCAPs across the country representing rural, urban, and suburban Community Action Agencies.
Established in 1993, the CCAP program provides a structured and focused procedure for Community Action leaders and managers to prove their mastery of a wide-ranging body of knowledge covering theories on the causes and remedies of poverty and to assess how they are helping vulnerable people achieve economic security. Their understanding and comprehension of Community Action’s history, vision, and values are also measured. In order to successfully complete the process, individuals are required to provide an extensive record of their management and leadership skills and involvement in anti-poverty initiatives on the local, state, and national levels; develop a portfolio highlighting their education, training, and accomplishments, and pass a written exam.