New Survey Finds Commonly Overlooked Piece of Weight Loss

PRESS RELEASE- It’s not uncommon for Americans to have weight loss goals. 

Nearly half of Americans say they are actively trying to lose weight at any given time. However, many consumers do not focus on nutrition and diet or consult with a doctor to set realistic goals. 

According to ValuePenguin’s most recent survey of over 1,100 Americans, a quarter of those with weight loss goals often skips their annual check-up. 

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  • Nearly half of Americans (46%) are actively trying to lose weight, but are their expectations realistic? Half of those aiming for weight loss aren’t focused on nutrition and exercise, while a quarter of those with weight loss goals don’t visit their doctor for an annual checkup. 
  • Exercise is a critical part of fitness, but some consumers overlook its importance. 42% of those trying to lose weight spend less than three hours exercising each week.
  • Some Americans would go beyond exercise and healthy eating to achieve their perfect body. 22% of Americans are willing to use cosmetic surgery to achieve their ideal body,
  • Consumers are willing to eat healthier and work out more if it comes with an insurance discount. 61% say they’d be more incentivized to be healthy (in terms of fitness and nutrition) if it translated to lower insurance costs.