New Statewide ‘COVID Stops Here’ Campaign Recognizes Employers for Vaccination Efforts
The COVID Stops Here campaign will recognize employers leading the fight against COVID-19 and playing a role in improving the state’s vaccination numbers. Companies with at least a 70% vaccination rate can receive the designation.
The campaign has assigned four levels of vaccination status: platinum at 100% vaccinated, gold at 90%, silver at 80% and bronze at 70%.
Workplaces that meet the requirements will receive a media kit to help promote their vaccination status. This promotion can have a big impact on employee safety and morale, as well as positively influence your relationships with customers, visitors and partners.
COVID Stops Here is also meant to encourage more organizations to join their ranks and take a proactive role in urging vaccinations. A key part of the campaign is reaching out to those businesses whose workforce vaccination rate has not yet reached 70% and offering guidance and information to spur increased numbers.
The release says, "We know that employers across the state are helping lead the way in vaccinations, keeping Hoosiers safe and our economy running. We look forward to recognizing all who have encouraged staff to get vaccinated and taken steps to make that easier to occur."
Learn more and get your recognition process started by going to the COVID Stops Here web site at indianachamber.com/stopcovid.