New Chapter Begins for WITZ’s Jeri Weisheit

By: Corbin Lingenfelter, News Director

Jasper- If you want to learn the ins and outs of being a radio business manager, Jeri Weisheit is who you should look to. 

Weisheit, who began working for WITZ in 1974, was one of the longest tenured members of the WITZ family. There has been many events that had occurred during her time with the radio station, from the community reaction to the death of Elvis Presley to COVID.

“There were more than one, and many were in the late 70's. The most memorable I would have to say was when Elvis Presley died. Never since have I seen an outpouring of emotion from listeners. WITZ-FM certainly was a comfort at that sad time. Our daughter Angie was born 4 months later, then the next big memorable event hit the region. The Blizzard of '78. Needless to say, only essential employees were picked up and taken to the studio for several days by the National Guard or local authorities until roads were passable. WITZ also needed their support for many flooding events over the years when the station was turned into an island. That next year construction began to double the size of the station, and in 1979 WITZ & WQKZ had new offices to accommodate us all. That's the most memorable, but there were many more, the latest COVID...yuck. Which made working in this industry so interesting. I always enjoyed my 'work family', the people & friendships I have made. Working this long though I have sadly experience too many that have passed on, and I will never forget.”

To honor her commitment over the last 48 years, WITZ’s Kris Norton sat down with members of Weisheit’s work family and her daughter, Amy Leinenbach.

For current WITZ General Manager Gene Kuntz, Weisheit helped make his transition to GM with her knowledge and experience on the business side of the station.

“When Earl Metzger came down with cancer, Jeri was the business manager and I was the sales and operations manager. Jeri knew the financial side and I knew the programming side, so when Earl passed away we worked closely together to keep things going. That is the biggest memory for me because she has been at this radio station for forty-eight years, which is unheard of in any job let alone broadcasting. The knowledge she has and was able to share was really invaluable during that transition for me and the board of directors as well.”

Weisheit not only made an impact on her coworkers at the radio station, but also outside of it explains Larry Keifner.

“Jeri has been a very good friend to Carol and I for many, many years and I wish her and her husband the best in retirement."

Take your child to work day was a common occurrence for Weisheit, according to her eldest daughter Amy Leinenbach.

“I have many memories of growing up there on Saturday mornings with her and playing by her desk, playing with the type writer while she was working. I think my favorite memory is the old Coke machine that they had in the lobby and I’d get to get a Coke from it and it was an old fashioned Coke machine. I spent many Saturday mornings there and I got to meet a lot of people like Bob Boyles and Earl (Metzger). There was a lot of memories growing up.”

For Weisheit, there will be some adjusting for retirement.

“Next steps for me in retirement will be a definite adjustment. I like to keep busy so you will see me out and about. My husband, Farrel, and I will have more time to travel and enjoy more time with our girls, son-in-laws, six Grandchildren and friends.”

As some parting words to WITZ and the listening community, Weisheit shared many thanks to those she has called friends and family over her career.

“I would like to say how much WITZ-FM, WQKZ-FM and WITZ-AM appreciates our listeners and most all the merchants, advertisers and supporters of Jasper On The Air, Inc. Thanks to the Board of Directors for their trust and confidence in me all these years. To my co-workers....thanks for all you do! It is a team effort and WITZ has some of the most talented & dedicated. One notable was listening to the Larry Kieffner Show as a teenager, before ever imagining I would be working with this crazy guy, still, 50 years later! This job awarded me with the opportunity to get acquainted with many business associates throughout the community. It has been a rewarding career and I can't express more the gratitude I am feeling.”

WITZ would like to thank Jeri Weisheit for her 48 years of friendship, hard work, and dedication to our radio station.