Neil Elkins Announces Bid for Huntingburg Mayor Seat

Huntingburg- Neil Elkins has announced his filing as an independent candidate for the Huntingburg Mayor position to be decided during the November 7, 2023, Municipal Election. 

Elkins says that he will utilize his many years in management, project development, and community development experiences to fully develop the city’s ten-year comprehensive plan. Elkins values the talents of the citizens and employees that have been so important in the past development of this great city. 

Elkins wants to promote Huntingburg as a great place to visit, do business in, and live. “As mayor I will work hard to take Huntingburg to the next level,” Elkins stated. Elkins further states that his “desire to seek this office was driven by my love for this community and the people who reside here.”

If elected his platform includes, but is not limited to, supporting economic growth through new small business attraction, improving the appearance of our Main Street corridor, developing amenities within the park plan that are important to the youth of our community, developing an aggressive street maintenance plan, continuing with all infrastructure improvements, including the upcoming wastewater plant project, and working closely with our school system in their efforts to provide the best educational environment for our students. 

Elkins is currently an employee of the State of Indiana where his job duties include providing technical assistance to communities in shaping and achieving their vision for community and economic development. He currently serves as a Board Member of the Dubois County Chamber of Commerce, President of Huntingburg Kiwanis, Advisory Board of Dubois Strong, 35-year member of Central Christian Church, and various state and local committees. Past affiliations include Habitat for Humanity of Dubois County, Huntingburg Board of Public Works, State Weatherization Committee, Purdue Extension Board of Directors, Salvation Army Extension Board, and Indiana Builders Association. Elkins is graduate of various community courses and is a certified Economic Development Finance Professional.