More Flooding Expected in Tell City as Ohio River Set to Crest This Week
From Local Sources
TELL CITY, Ind.--The Ohio River flooding in Indiana is not as bad as the flooding along the Illinois-Kentucky border. Still, if you live along the Ohio, you should be aware of the flooding, said the National Weather Service in Louisville.
"Flooding on the Ohio River is high. It is well into the minor flood stage. It's not reached historic levels. But, it is running high," said Andrea Schoettmer, a meteorologist at the Louisville office. She said the majority of the flooding starts just north of the Louisville metro and stretches through Tell City, to Evansville.
"It is something people should be aware of that have interests and live near the Ohio River," said Schoettmer.
Beyond Indiana, the flooding is worse.
Schoettmer said you can expect to see the river crest at most Indiana locations on Wednesday, still in the minor flood stage category.