More Dubois County Residents Are Being Tested For COVID-19


JASPER -- More Dubois County residents are getting tested for COVID-19 than before.

So far, Memorial Hospital reports 591 tests have been submitted.  506 of those tests were negative, 66 positive and results are pending on an additional 18 tests.  

27 other local patients have recovered; meaning there are out of isolation and reportedly feeling well.

Updated numbers will likely be released later Thursday morning.

In addition to the tests at Memorial, the state has partnered with a private company to do COVID-19 testing at the National Guard Armory in Jasper and in other parts of the state.

It’s by appointment only.  To make an appointment for testing in Jasper, you can call (888) 634 – 1123 or register online by CLICKING HERE.

Testing will still be limited to people with symptoms and those who have been in close contact with them. The state will pick up the cost, but patients need to make an appointment through Optum's website.

Governor Holcomb says the goal is to get testing into parts of the state which have been underserved so far.  He says broader testing will unearth more positive cases, but he says more complete data is important in guiding the state's plans for gradually lifting restrictions first imposed five weeks ago.

Officials remain hopeful that federal grants will cover some or all of the $18M cost of the OptumServe contract.